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Convert Sick and Vacation Time Accrual from Payroll to HR Module

We transitioned from using the payroll module to accrue sick and vacation time to using the HR module.  When building checks in Payroll I receive a message that the employee does not have enough sick or vacation time, but in the HR module, the employee has plenty of available hours.

To convert sick and vacation time accrual from payroll to HR go to the Reconcile Human Resources window, mark the Reset Payroll Vacation and Sick Time Information and click the Process button.

sic vac accrualMark this option to automatically clear payroll information.

The following Human Resources windows and information will be affected. This option is available only if you're using Payroll.

Employee Vacation-Sick Time Maintenance window

For vacation and sick time; the accrue and available balance warning options in this window are unmarked and all field values become zero.

Employee Class window

The vacation and sick time accrual options in this window are unmarked.

Pay Code Setup window

The vacation and sick time accrual options in this window are unmarked.

Employee Pay Code Maintenance window

The vacation and sick time accrual options in this window are unmarked.


by InterDyn Artis


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