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Microsoft Dynamics GP: 3 Steps to a Smooth Software Upgrade

Have you been investigating a new or upgraded ERP software solution? Would you like to know what to expect if you choose Microsoft Dynamics GP? Initially, you'll want to select a reliable Microsoft Dynamics ERP partner. From there, a number of fairly standard steps, followed closely, will lead to a successful implementation.

Assessing Your Needs

The first step is to determine exactly why you need Microsoft Dynamics GP. What business processes are essential for your particular organization? What are your business processes that you hope to enhance or automate?  Of course, you have your own way of doing things, but an outside expert like your Microsoft Dynamics GP partner who understands both your business and the capabilities of the software can be an invaluable asset. Your partner will not only look at your operations but will interview your current software users and will evaluate your current technology. They will recommend ways that you can resolve performance gaps using software, and if necessary, modifications, that can save you time and resources while more efficiently automating your processes. Your partner can also discuss specific costs involved in the software, implementation, training and any ongoing subscription costs.


Deploying Microsoft GP Your Way

Following a thorough assessment, your Microsoft Dynamics partner will have a good idea of the Microsoft Dynamic GP modules that you require, and a team of specialists will configure the software solutions and integrations that have been decided upon. You’ll have your solution implemented in a way that will serve your business best and software professionals will complete the conversion of your data to your new system.


Training & Ongoing Support

Implementation is not the end of the Microsoft Dynamics GP process; in fact, it’s the first step in an ongoing and profitable journey for you and your team. Having the proper training – whether it’s in a class or one-on-one – is critical to the overall adoption of your new software. Once training has concluded, your Microsoft GP consultant will connect you to ongoing product support. This support is available in a variety of forms by phone, email, video or in person. You’ll have the support you need whenever you need it.

Follow these three steps and see how Microsoft Dynamics GP can enhance your business processes and set you up for success.

Would you like to discuss how Microsoft Dynamics GP can benefit your organization? Contact us at Express Information Systems 210-614-9410

by Express Information Systems






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