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Are Disconnected Systems Slowly Killing Your SMB?

There is nothing more frustrating than when you’re on a roll at work only to be slowed down or completely stalled by unintuitive technology. Instead of simplifying processes, technology can make things worse, forcing you to take a time-wasting detour.

As an organization, not only is this bad for the bottom line, it deters employees from working at your company altogether. Younger employees expect a level of technology that helps them do their jobs. Born with phones and tablets in their hands, they know what technology can do. According to Forbes, millennials will represent nearly 75 percent of the workforce by 2030. In order to compete, it is vital to implement the right technology platforms today to create a workplace that will foster success.

ERP = Empowered Employees (and Happy Customers)

One area that could be negatively impacting streamlined technology, and consequently employee productivity, is disconnected and complicated systems. One integrated Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution can turn a bad technology situation into cost savings and productivity improvements.

With easier access to the right data to do their jobs, employees are empowered instead of frustrated. Not only can executives access a real-time and holistic view of your company, employees can drill down and customize views to just the data they need.

Happier and more productive employees result in more satisfied customers because your team can deliver an improved customer experience with access to order history and customer details. This helps your sales and service representatives answer questions, as well as optimize on cross-sale and up-sale opportunities.

A unified financial, operations and commerce management solution can help you achieve all of this and more. Download Growth gets complicated. Prepare to scale your business with cloud-based, single-source financial and commerce management to learn more today.


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