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Expect User-Led Sessions at NAVUG Summit 2016

With the NAVUG Summit Early Bird deadline quickly approaching (the price discount ends tomorrow: Thursday, April 28), Dynamics NAV users have been checking in to ask what they can expect from attending NAVUG Summit. The annual conference, which will be held in Tampa, FL on Oct. 11-14, 2016, is the premier user-centric conference dedicated to Dynamics NAV education. Knowledge gained at Summit has real-life application and the potential for remarkable results for your career, specific job role, and your organization.

So what can you expect when you attend Summit? Here's a look at Summit by the numbers (as reported following Summit 2015):

  • 115+ Knowledgeable Speakers. Featuring Dynamics NAV users, Microsoft, MVPs, and Partner Subject Matter Experts.
  • 150+ NAV-focused Sessions. Check out the list of 2015 sessions here.
  • 15 Hours of NAV Medic Support. Access NAVUG All-Stars, Microsoft, and MVPs for help with technical problems.

While Early Bird prices are certainly great, you might still be wondering what the return on investment involves. We get it - taking time out of your busy schedule, travel and hotel, and at least three days out of the office can add up. Yet each year thousands of Dynamics users travel to Summit and return to their offices rejuvenated and confident about the new best practices they learned. If you're sold on Summit, but you're boss is still dragging his/her feet, have them download the 'Convince Your Boss' PDF, which contains valuable testimonials and ROI support.

Learn more about Summit 2016 by visiting:

Ready to register? Click here to start.

Watch the video below and hear from two Dynamics NAV users on why they continue to attend Summit year after year. 


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