Fireworks and Marching Bands at Summit 2016. Really.
Tuesday October 11th is going to be fun.
Make sure you arrive in Tampa, FL and are in your seat at Summit 2016 by 2:00pm.
Dynamics 365 Release
In the Microsoft Vision Keynote at Summit 2016 Microsoft will officially release their new Dynamics 365 product. And they want to make it big. Really big.
Think fireworks and marching bands, big.
After the Keynote the release party will continue in the Welcome Reception from 5:00-9:00pm.
Why Summit 2016?
Now that the Convergence event is no more, the most logical place to release Dynamics 365 is at the Summit 2016 event. This event from October 11-14 brings together thousands of Dynamics GP, Dynamics AX, Dynamics NAV and Dynamics CRM users and partners. (Note: Summit 2016 is the overall event combining GPUG, NAVUG, AXUG, CRMUG User Group conferences.) Plus IAMCP and other Microsoft Partners are invited to be part of the big release.
It is true that not all Dynamics users and partners attending this event are excited about the “game changing” release of Dynamics 365. But as one industry veteran told me, "It’s like a hurricane. You know it's coming so you better figure out how to get ready."
After the release on Tuesday the rest of the Summit 2016 event will not feature Dynamics 365. It will focus on the existing Dynamics products. Just one session will be offered Friday afternoon on the new AppStore.
So when you are making your travel plans, be sure to get there in time for the Keynote on Tuesday at 2pm. Otherwise you will miss one heck of a party.
I will be at Summit 2016 as a member of the “press” to cover the event. I’d love to see you there.
Summit 2016 Registration & Agenda: GPUG, AXUG, NAVUG, CRMUG
By ERP Software Blog Editors,
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