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Are Your Road Warriors Getting Weary? Make Traveling Easier With Better Tools

Sales representatives, field services teams, and other representatives of your business may spend a fair amount of time on the road.  While meeting prospects and providing services to customers is important, excessive travel can also become a burden.  Make traveling easier by offering your road warriors better tools.

Booking travel accommodations can be just as time-consuming as preparing expense reports after the business trip.  The time spent on these tasks can also distract employees from the much larger and important tasks of closing a deal with a new prospect or satisfying loyal customer needs.  In addition, inefficient processes can be a drain on productivity as well as on employee satisfaction.  A simple upgrade in business technology can streamline these processes so that employees can stay focused and productive.  Here are two tools to consider:

  1. Concur Travel: Employees can arrange travel accommodations, including airfare, hotel, car rental, or other services from their computer, tablet, or smartphone with Concur Travel.  They can choose accommodations based on the preferred vendors or travel policies and preferences that your business may already have in place.  Managers can add another level of checks-and-balances by adding a pre-trip approval process that sends information to managers who can then approve or request changes to a proposed trip.
  2. Concur Expense: Instead of collecting paper receipts during a business trip and organizing them after returning to the office, employees can prepare expense reports while traveling.  Employees can snap a photo of a business receipt using their smartphone or tablet and connect that amount to their expense report using Concur Expense.  Right after lunch with a customer or checking out from the hotel, receipts can be applied to an expense report quickly and easily.

Adding automation and convenience to the travel process can save valuable time and improve productivity for your employees and managers.  In addition, managers can have greater control over travel expenses and can be more proactive protecting travel budgets and polices.  Contact Concur Technologies, Inc. to learn more about the technology that can make travel a little easier for your employees and your bottom line.

By Concur Technologies, Inc., a Travel & Expense Solution Provider out of Washington


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