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Upgrading Dynamics GP: Why Should I do It? What are the Benefits?

Each year there is a new version of your ERP software and the big question is should this be the year that you upgrade.  Many may see upgrading as a large project that will take time and resources, but what you don’t see are all the benefits you will have from upgrading.  These benefits are not always limited to the ERP enhancements with an upgraded software.  A lot has happen in the year or two since your last upgrade.  Businesses are constantly changing and the need for more automation and functionality out of your software is always there.  Sometimes there is a need to add additional modules within your ERP software as well as to upgrade the current functionality.  The perfect time to look into this is when a new version comes out.

With Microsoft GP2013 and GP2015 not only is there new functionality within the new versions, the licensing has also changed and many consider the perpetual licensing an upgrade as well.

With the new perpetual licensing you have in GP 2013 and GP2015 the licensing itself is simpler for existing customers to figure out.  Unlike the 50 a la carte items to choose from with Business Ready Licensing you now have 7 items with Perpetual Licensing.  The primary decision for a customer is to determine how many concurrent users they need.  There is a Starter Pack and that includes three users and most of the core modules a customer would need.  There is also an Extended Pack for anyone who would need Advanced Distribution or Manufacturing modules.  Within the Starter Pack all customers receive Payroll and Human Resources modules for unlimited employees at no additional cost.  Management Reporter also moves to Unlimited Users in the new Perpetual Licensing.

To find out more about upgrading visit us at or call 866.960.0001 for more information.

by KTL Solutions


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