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Why I Love Rockton Tools for Microsoft Dynamics GP and You Will Too

Accounting software is not always an exciting topic, but Amber Bell gets almost giddy when she talks about how much she likes the Rockton add on tools for Microsoft Dynamics GP.  I cornered her for a short interview to get all the details on why she loves Rockton SmartFill, what it does, how much it costs, and why you will love it too.

Question: Why do you love Rockton tools for Microsoft Dynamics GP?

Amber Bell: I’ve been using the Rockton products since I started working with Microsoft Dynamics GP about 15 years.  The reason I really love their products is that they add functionality that I wish was included with Dynamics GP.  Don’t get me wrong, I love Dynamics GP. But there are always ways to make it better. The Rockton tools make finding records, filling forms and generating reports easier. Plus a lot more.

Question: What is your favorite Rockton tool?

Amber Bell: My favorite Rockton tool is SmartFill.  This tool save so much time. With SmartFill you can look up a record by what the account name or vendor name contains, not just the first letter.

Question: Can you give an example?

Amber Bell: When you use Smartfill with Dynamics GP and do a search it doesn’t just look at what the name begins with, it looks at what the name contains. So for example if you entered a customer and called it XYZ Travel Company, and then the next person entered it as The XYZ Travel Company, and the next person entered it as Cruise Partners dba XYZ Travel Company, you would have a very difficult time finding it in the traditional GP windows.

But with Rockton Smartfill you could type in “Travel” or “XYZ” or “Cruise” and you would find it based on what the name contains – every time.

Question: How about another example?

Amber Bell: I have a lot of customers use this for selling and sales order processing documents.  It makes things much easier to find the items because you can filter by part of the description and then even do a sub‑filter.  So you could say, “I want to see all of the phones we sell that are the color green and a size medium.” You can do two filters at the same time.

Question: What if I want to search on other fields we use?

Amber Bell: You can set up the look-up screens to be exactly what your users need. For example, for items you can say that one of the item categories or the dollar amount is important to your company.  Or maybe you want to see their phone number and their address.  You can see that and use that for look ups as well.

Question: How much do Rockton tools cost?

Amber Bell: The investment for Rockton tools is very small, and the amount of time that you will save is enormous.  The pricing for their products start as low as $250.00 per user and the prices are listed on their website.  They made the per user price low enough that any customer I’ve ever worked with has been able to afford to add this to their system.

Question: What about the installation cost?

Amber Bell: The other thing that I really like is that it’s very, very quick to install their tools.  You can simply double click on a set up and run through a couple easy screens, and maintenance is easy as well.

Question: Who should use Rockton tools with Microsoft Dynamics GP?

Amber Bell: Any customer that I have that has complicated inventory and item numbers, customer numbers, vendor numbers, I automatically recommend Rockton.

But honestly, I wish EVERY Dynamics GP customer I worked with had the Rockton tools.

Watch the video: Video Tip: How to Easily Find Records in Dynamics GP

Would you like to add Rockton Tools to your Microsoft Dynamics GP system?

Learn more at or contact them directly at . If you are a CAL client contact us at or 860-485-0910x4.

We feel sure you will love Rockton tools just as much as Amber Bell does.

By CAL Business Solutions,


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