Tensoft: Customer Success Story with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
Given the capabilities of Dynamics 365 Business Central, it will not surprise anyone to learn that Tensoft uses it internally to streamline financial processes and scale efficiently.
Recently, a few people from our Finance team joined us for a short interview to share their experience with Dynamics 365 Business Central – the migration process from Microsoft Dynamics GP and the implementation of this robust business management system, the features they like, and its advantages. You can watch the case study video or read the transcript below:
Video Transcript:
Bob Scarborough, President and CEO:
Tensoft was an early adopter of Dynamics 365 Business Central. Tensoft has a high level of comfort with business systems.
We were on Dynamics GP, another Microsoft product. We did some design brainstorming about the Chart of Accounts we wanted and the financial Dimensions that we wanted and in January, we just implemented the system. Week one was financial setup, week two was payables, week three was customers and receivables, and we were live. We were basically live in about 3 weeks.
Anne Phan, Contract Management Specialist:
It was very easy for me to adapt to Business Central. I was using GP a little bit beforehand and it does feel a lot more intuitive.
I used to use GP to download trial balances and to help with collection calls. However, it's a lot easier to do on BC because I can very easily remove data from the screen that I don't need so that only things such as the invoice number, the amount due, the due date and things like that are available.
Bob Scarborough, President and CEO:
I really like the Home Page. The homepage has the links that I need to where I want to drill down to the things that I do in the system. The homepage has the key accounts that I monitor for our company health and I can monitor a dozen accounts and know pretty much where we stand at any one point.
A second feature I really like is the Cash reconciliation - the cash management. I do reconcile or integrate the cash to our bank most days. I can do that a lot of days in 15 minutes, 10-15 minutes at the beginning of the day with a cup of coffee and have our cash reconciled through the previous day with the bank and that's really been a streamlined and easy to use function.
Anne Phan, Contract Management Specialist:
One of the features that I like is the ability to personalize each screen that you go on to so that the important data and information is available to you at like instantly. I set up my sales invoice screen to show important sections that I will need to input data and so it's a lot easier for me to set them up when only the data fields that I need to input are visible.
Bob Scarborough, President and CEO:
I think Business Central saves us time and money because it is maintained. We don't have to worry about security, we don’t have to worry about platform integrity and upgrades. Those are all done for us.
Anne Phan, Contract Management Specialist:
I think I like the overall experience with Business Central. It's a very clean and modern interface. It's easy to use and easy to figure out how to use because there's just a lot of information out there and training available.
Bob Scarborough, President and CEO:
Microsoft is one of those companies, and they are all about cloud applications and this application Business Central is viewed as part of their Office 365 suite. And so this is really from a vision perspective, from an ability to deliver perspective, from a view of the market, this is a product that I can count on now and for foreseeable future any of us could realistically have.
- By Caprice Murray, Tensoft, a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Partner
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