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Three Reasons Your Data May Be More Secure in the Cloud than Onsite

Have you been thinking of moving your business to the cloud, but hesitate because of hack attacks in the news? A natural reaction; but think about it—those attacks are in the news because they rarely happen. It’s like large airplane crashes. They make major news because they rarely happen. On the other hand, auto crashes are rarely in headline news because they happen all the time. Yet far more people die from auto accidents than from plane crashes.

A number of experts say that the greater risk to many businesses is data kept on the premises. News on the Sony hack, for example, gave the impression it was a cloud problem, but Sony’s cloud storage was unaffected. A closer look at those same reports reveals that what was actually hacked was their local servers.

Why would locally-stored data be at greater risk? Here are three common risks out of many, and how the cloud helps reduce them:

  • Location: small businesses often store backups on site or in nearby areas if off premises. As Hurricane Katrina showed, that leaves them vulnerable to natural disasters. Experienced cloud services make multiple backup copies and hold them in widely separated locations.
  • Recovery from backups: recovery from local backup systems is often difficult and time consuming. Reputable cloud providers can get you up and running again right away.
  • Server security: business servers often are kept in unguarded rooms with basic locks. Often when companies intend to upgrade their security other things get in the way. However, cloud professionals know that security is key to their business, so they use all the latest techniques for secure data center protection.

Just as airlines have made great strides in reducing the risk of flying, cloud providers too continue to reduce risk by implementing ever stronger security measures.

Of course security is not your only concern, is it? You probably have a host of other questions you need answered before making a decision, such as, ‘What happens if the internet goes down? What if our business goes public? How can I tell whether or not a cloud service provider is experienced, reputable and professional?’

These questions and more are answered in the white paper, 35 Questions Every CFO Needs to Ask About ERP Software In the Cloud, a serious look at almost everything you need to know.

Download the white paper here.

After reading, if you would like to know more about a Cloud ERP system contact one of our experts. ERP Cloud Member Directory.

By ERP Cloud Editors,



Three Reasons Your Data May Be More Secure in the Cloud than Onsite is a post from: ERP Cloud Software

The post Three Reasons Your Data May Be More Secure in the Cloud than Onsite appeared first on ERP Cloud Software.


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