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ERP May Be the Key to Manufacturing Business Intelligence

Manufacturers have a uniquely large amount of business data which needs to be analyzed and used to make insightful business decisions at a moment’s notice.  That is why Business Intelligence (BI) is becoming a necessity for doing business in the manufacturing industry.

A 2012 Forrester Research cross-industry study revealed that 60% of manufacturers consider BI to be critical to their businesses and 31% had immediate plans to increase their use of BI.  The thing about these BI tools is that they need to be integrated with your data source.  Mid-sized manufacturers can save themselves a step by leveraging BI tools that are already built into their ERP solutions, like Microsoft Dynamics GP.

Organizations using the Manufacturing Suite or any of the manufacturing modules within Microsoft Dynamics GP can also take advantage of any of following Business Intelligence and Reporting capabilities:

  • Over 220 built-in customizable reports
  • Ability to create personalized SmartLists or Excel Reports with SmartList Builder
  • Business Analyzer gives you powerful, role-specific insight from virtually any location with the ability to assign tasks and collaborate with others
  • Enterprise Reporting helps you gain tighter control of consolidations, financial reporting, and budgeting across your enterprise
  • Microsoft Forecaster helps you create accurate budgets and gain control of the entire budgeting and planning process

See how a Clean Technology Manufacturer is using Microsoft Dynamics GP to enhance business insight.

By Socius, a Microsoft Dynamics GP Partner in Ohio


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