Import product master and variants using data entities in Microsoft dynamics 365 finance and operations one version
Import product master and variants using data entities in Microsoft dynamics 365 finance and operations one version
Sequence |
Entity |
Staging table |
Target entity |
Notes for import |
1 |
Products V2 |
EcoResProductV2Staging |
EcoResProductV2Entity |
Needed irrespective of product or product master creation and is the first step |
2 |
Product variants |
EcoResProductVariantStaging |
EcoResProductVariantEntity |
Only need for product masters |
3 |
Released products V2 |
EcoResReleasedProductV2Staging |
EcoResReleasedProductV2Entity |
For regular products without variants can directly import released products once products are available |
4 |
Released product variants |
EcoResReleasedProductVariantStaging |
EcoResReleasedProductVariantEntity |
Needed to allow company specific product variants and should be processed before products variants |
Note*: Prerequisites for dependant configuration e.g. storage dimension group, UOM, etc. are already prepared
Also process in the company need to create the products, items and variants
In other blog already shared important and mandatory fields for products and released products.
Sharing delta important and mandatory fields for product variants and released product variants
For product variants
for released product variants
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