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How Can Microsoft Dynamics GP Make Your Company Execute Better and Be More Effective?

“I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor.” – Henry David Thoreau

 Stephen R. Covey, author of the bestselling self-help book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” recently passed away this July.   This book has sold over 20 million copies since being released and has made me a fan of his work for years.  In tribute, I’m going to look at the first 3 Habits in his book and show how Microsoft Dynamics GP can help solidify them in your organization.

 Be Proactive – Microsoft Dynamics GP can help you make the Vision for your company a reality.  You decide where you want to take the business and create the strategic business plan with all of the management business objectives (MBOs).   Microsoft Dynamics GP has the business tools like Dashboards, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and Real-Time Drill Down Reports to help your management team execute the MBOs faster and realize your Vision sooner.

 Begin With The End In Mind – Today’s success in business doesn’t guarantee future successes. You always need to be planning ahead and be flexible enough to change with market conditions.  Where do you want to take the business the next 3, 5, 10 years?  Microsoft Dynamics GP is the right platform to scale easily without compromising system performance or user experiences.  Microsoft Dynamics GP also has many Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) partners to enhance and meet your specific industry needs.

 Put First Things First – Microsoft Dynamics GP can help your individual employees get laser focused on the details that drive the business on a daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly basis to achieve the company goals.  Microsoft Dynamics GP does this by helping each individual set up tasks and reminders that will appear on their Role Tailored Home Page. They can keep track of their progress with Graphical Dashboards that deliver personalized access to real time information.

 In summary, Microsoft Dynamics GP can help your organization live these habits daily.  To learn more about Microsoft Dynamics GP, please go to our website or give me a call.

 By Michael Ramatowski, at Turnkey Technologies, Inc. – Missouri, Illinois, and Kentucky Microsoft Gold Certified Dynamics GP and CRM Partner


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