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2018 U.S. Payroll tax update with Federal Changes has released for Microsoft Dynamics GP

The 2018 U.S. Payroll Round 2 tax update with federal tax changes has been released by Microsoft. This is the second tax update for 2018 and includes federal and state tax table changes that took effect January 1. The following states are included in this update: Kentucky, Rhode Island, Mississippi, and Missouri.

Instructions and information on the update can be found here. 

The tax update can be installed from any workstation. Ensure that all users have exited the system before you begin. Additionally, if you upgrade to another version of Microsoft dynamics GP, you must install the most recent service pack and the tax tables for that release to ensure you have the most up to date information.

Please install this updated as soon as you can. If you need assistance or have questions, please email

Please note that if you are currently on a version older than Dynamics 2013, you'll need to upgrade in order to install the update.


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