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How the LinkedIn Purchase is affecting Microsoft Dynamics ERP

Microsoft Dynamics ERP

The state of play in the ERP world ratcheted upward with Microsoft’s recent purchase of LinkedIn.

Doing so, burnished further the Redmond giant’s commitment to see its line of Dynamic software at work in SMBs worldwide---an existing LinkedIn app provides integration with Dynamics CRM; this, to allow users to “gather key profile, connection, and activity information about your leads and accounts.”

Satya Nadella, Microsoft’s CEO, wants to see both Office 365 and the Dynamics product line “empower(ing) every person and organization on the planet."

Moreover, this global ramping up of the Dynamics product, such as Dynamics GP 2016’s recent release, will continue to empower small to medium-size manufacturers and distributors, for example,  through its continued focus on all things mobile.

As such, Dynamics GP 2016's ERP capabilities keeps users in “full control from any device,” regardless if an Android tablet, OSX or Linux---as long as the systems support HTML5 Web Client. Users benefit through the Web Client’s ability to run the “top, visual interface,” while providing computer horsepower back the server level.

Yet the main features of Dynamics GP 2016 have to do with increasing the effectiveness of processing an array of business task, while providing Business Intelligence aspects, that include:

  • "All-In-One Document Viewer for Inventory
  • All-In-One Document Viewer for Sales
  • Export SmartList Numbers
  • Export/Import SmartLists
  • Creating a SmartList from an Existing Favourite
  • PowerBI charts on GP Role Center"

If your business is not using the latest in cutting-edge ERP/CRM technology, ala Dynamics GP 2016, contact TMC. Leverage our experience as a certified Microsoft Gold Partner to help guide your pre-sale, purchase, implementation (on-premise and/or cloud via Microsoft Azure) and deployment.

Written by B.H (Sales team)


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