Dynamics GP Roadmap from Convergence 2015
Convergence 2015 wrapped up last week and, as usual, it flooded the internet with news. We couldn’t be there in person but we did pay special attention to the GP sessions, particularly ‘Microsoft Dynamics GP product roadmap and strategy’. So, for everyone else who couldn’t be there, here are the highlights.
Dynamics GP Time Management App
In the first of many nods to cross-platform compatibility, Microsoft showed off the GP Time Management app. This cross-platform tablet app allows users to log in and enter sick, vacation and other time for approval. It’s multi-company compatible and pulls available sick and vacation time from GP.
It’s on the roadmap for release as part of GP 2015 R2 and is ‘coming soon to a store near you’.
GP 2015 R2
Speaking of GP 2015 R2, we were told to expect it in late May or early June, which is keeping with the six month release cycle Microsoft is targeting. Some of the items on the roadmap for 2015 R2 at Convergence include:
There are plenty more but the one Microsoft spent the most time on was the all-in-one document viewer for purchasing. This new feature adds a new button to the vendor maintenance ribbon which will display purchase orders, shipments, invoices and payments related to that vendor. This saves users from clicking through to several different windows to track down that information.
The all-in-one view also gives you the ability to refilter in real time based on a selected record. (i.e. Select a P/O and see related shipments, invoices and payments.)
GP 2015 R3
In addition to showing off the new features of GP 2015 R2, Microsoft also kept the focus on flexibility compatibility by announcing that cross-browser and cross-platform compatibility will be coming in GP 2015 R3. They showed off the GP web client in Chrome, on an iPad and on a Samsung Galaxy phone. It’s yet another sign that mobile ERP might be the next big thing.
- Cody Pierson, Prophet Business Group, Microsoft ERP Gold Partner in Winnipeg, MB
You can also watch the entire session here.
by Prophet Business Group
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