Firming planned order returns error message "Can not edit a record in net requirements(ReqTrans). An Update conflict occurred to another user process deleting or changing one or more fields in the record."
When firming a planned order that has pegged orders you may get the error message
"Can not edit a record in net requirements(ReqTrans). An Update conflict occurred to another user process deleting or changing one or more fields in the record." which is
Check to see if the issue still happens, or if you now get a "forupdate was never selected or incorrect ttsbegin/commit" message go to step 2.
Step 2. Install update KB2910673
Check to see if the issue still happens. If it does go to step 3
Step 3. If you have made it this far then you are experiencing a known issue within AX. Here's what you will need to go in order to fix it.
_reqTrans.RefType = _refType;
_reqTrans.RefId = _refId;
_reqTrans.IsForecastPurch = NoYes::No;
//delete reqPo
and replace with the following
variable objects needed:
ReqTrans reqTransCopy, updateReqTrans;
ReqPO reqPoCopy, removeReqPO;
//update the transaction record
select forUpdate * from updateReqTrans where updateReqTrans.RecId == _reqTrans.RecId;
updateReqTrans.InventTransOrigin = _inventTransOriginId;
updateReqTrans.RefType = _refType;
updateReqTrans.RefId = _refId;
updateReqTrans.IsForecastPurch = NoYes::No;
//delete the planned order
delete_from removeReqPO
where removeReqPO.RecId == _reqPO.RecId;
After completing all 3 steps the issue should be resolved.

"Can not edit a record in net requirements(ReqTrans). An Update conflict occurred to another user process deleting or changing one or more fields in the record." which is
In order to fix the issue you will need to do the following:
Step 1. Update ReqTrans
- Go to \Tables\ReqTrans
- Change the property OccEnabled from "yes" to "no"
Check to see if the issue still happens, or if you now get a "forupdate was never selected or incorrect ttsbegin/commit" message go to step 2.
Step 2. Install update KB2910673
- KB2910673 - When using the "Plan planning formula" window to firm batch orders the system displays the error "Cannot edit a record in Net requirements (ReqTrans)"
Check to see if the issue still happens. If it does go to step 3
Step 3. If you have made it this far then you are experiencing a known issue within AX. Here's what you will need to go in order to fix it.
- Go to \class\ReqTransPoMarkFirm.updateFirmedReqTrans()
- At the bottom of the method find the following code
_reqTrans.RefType = _refType;
_reqTrans.RefId = _refId;
_reqTrans.IsForecastPurch = NoYes::No;
//delete reqPo
and replace with the following
variable objects needed:
ReqTrans reqTransCopy, updateReqTrans;
ReqPO reqPoCopy, removeReqPO;
//update the transaction record
select forUpdate * from updateReqTrans where updateReqTrans.RecId == _reqTrans.RecId;
updateReqTrans.InventTransOrigin = _inventTransOriginId;
updateReqTrans.RefType = _refType;
updateReqTrans.RefId = _refId;
updateReqTrans.IsForecastPurch = NoYes::No;
//delete the planned order
delete_from removeReqPO
where removeReqPO.RecId == _reqPO.RecId;
After completing all 3 steps the issue should be resolved.

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