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Dynamics 365 Community / Blogs / NAV-real-life / (my struggle in) "beli...

(my struggle in) "believing" Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 (NAV 7)

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Hello all NAV / Navision users … I’m with you! I learnt as you have been learning. I can do things in NAV as how you’ve figured out how to do things in NAV. I am an end-user myself. I have 1 or few hours a week to explore NAV further, so I know little more things about NAV.

As an end-user, moreover in a manufacturing environment, and in a settled operation mechanism, it’s normal that people / users are resistant to buy-in new things, skeptical to new technology, and have very conservative view in accepting new technology. The thought is, if the system that we have been using is working just perfectly for us, why on earth we ever think to work-around on it again. And this is not without basis, the great manufacturing philosophy, Toyota Production System (TPS) principles teaches us about adapting new technology;

Principle 8. Use only reliable, thoroughly tested technology that serves your people and processes.

  • Use technology to support people, not to replace people. Often it is best to work out a process manually before adding technology to support the process.
  • New technology is often unreliable and difficult to standardize and therefore endangers “flow”. A proven process that works generally take precedence over new and untested technology.
  • Conduct actual tests before adopting new technology in business processes, manufacturing systems , or products.
  • Reject or modify technologies that conflict with your culture or that might disrupt stability, reliability, and predictability.
  • Nevertheless, encourage your people to consider new technologies when looking into new approaches to work. Quickly implement a thoroughly considered technology if it has been proven in trials and it can improve flow in your processes.

quoted from The Toyota Way,The 14 Principles of Toyota Way


I have been working sideways, and a non-believer of RTC. In last 3 years, I have explored and work around with RTC – but never share & implement to users / business in the organization. Until last year I have to assist another company who have been admiring RTC, and not liking Classic Client. Then, I start to work for live system with Pages and Report transformation – modify page (in RTC), modify report, writing formula in method, and working on XML for data transfer between companies, and so on.

I still think that, as far as Form still exists, we still can go on with Classic Client … hell yeah!

. . .

Until then, I read about NAV 2013, which many people say it would be promising. I am in NAV 2009 R2 – but still in classic client, and I think I am just about ready to go. I feel some kind of de-javu, I remembered sometime back when I like using Windows XP and don’t believe in Vista, and await for Windows 7 to come. Now, we have NAV 2013 Beta available, ready to download, ready to install, ready to try.

What makes me think that NAV 2013 will be a good one? Here’s some write-ups by seasoned NAV people in the community;


Those are about lots of things! Lots of improvement that NAV 2013 will deliver. Web accessibility, cloud accessibility, paste to Excel, running faster (than 2009 RTC and even classic client), can run in Chrome and Safari also, and so on …

In short, I decided to continue the journey of my learning curve with NAV 2013.

I admit I have learnt the hard way, since I have to prepare again the SQL, fix some services, check here and there about user accounts and security settings.

When I am writing this post, the RTM is available for download, so just follow this link ;(in or here in You can also googling and easily find out.

Now NAV 2013 Beta is installed in my computer. I will share how I install it on my next post.

I would like to share some screen captures of this “hope-to-be” promising NAV 2013.

Well … that’s all for now. We’ll continue in my next post.

Filed under: Computers and Internet, Microsoft Dynamics NAV, NAV, Navision Tagged: 2013, 7, business, dynamics, microsoft, NAV, Navision, RTC

This was originally posted here.


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