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#CONV15 – Convergence 2015 Atlanta – Day 3

David Musgrave MVP GPUG All Star Legend Moderator Profile Picture David Musgrave MVP ... 13,963 Most Valuable Professional

David Meego - Click for blog homepage Convergence2015

Having managed to escape the zombies at the Rock-n-Rave party, Mariano and I were ready for another day at Convergence 2015.

We left home reasonably early, but as there had been some rain in the morning, the traffic on the freeway was banked right back so that even the entrance ramps were car parks. Mariano decided to take a different route into the city and while it did mean that we were continuously moving, I don’t think it saved us any time. :-)

By the time we arrived at the conference center, it was too late to sit in on the interactive discussion on Microsoft Dynamics GP Security: Tips and tricks that I was planning to go to. Oh well.

We had less people at the repeat of our session, CSG024-R2: Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015: Customizing the user interface, but it went well and we had lots of audience interaction and questions. Maybe that is because we bribed people with Tim Tams if they asked or answered a question.

Mariano and David presenting (Picture by Beat Bucher)

After the session, I decided to go back to the Expo to try and cover the sections I had missed. James McCullough who was in the previous session decided to come along with me. It was nice to have someone to chat with as we went around the Expo.

This year they did not have any identifying labels on the stands as to which Dynamics products the exhibitor was compatible with. Also there did not seem to be any planning of locations for the exhibitors. For someone only really interested in Microsoft Dynamics GP and products that integrate with GP, it made going through the Expo a long process. I know some products integrate with multiple flavours of Dynamics, but surely there must be a better way to organise the stands.

After collecting lots of freebies, chatting with a number of the exhibitors and even solving a Rubik’s Cube at one of the stands, it was time for the Expo to close down for the night. I had completed about 75% of the Expo and planned to come back tomorrow to see the final section.

As I was leaving I caught up with Joe Carroll from Dynamic Partner Connections and Dynamic Communities. I love the work that Joe does for the community and it is always nice to stand next to someone my own size (well at least in one direction).

David Musgrave and Joe Carroll

After the Expo, James had to run to catch a coach back to his hotel. I caught up with Mariano and we went back to the Omni Hotel’s Lobby Bar to relax and socialise before tonight’s Convergence Celebration event.

For the Convergence Celebration we all headed over to the Philips Arena again to listen to a DJ and then see a live performance from the popular band OneRepublic. Mariano had organised an extra ticket for a Colombian friend’s daughter who is currently living in Atlanta.

Jenni and Mariano

The crowd getting excited as we wait for One Republic (click for larger)

Beat, Mariano, Jenni and David

When we first arrived at the Philips Arena, we headed down to the area directly in front of the stage. But once the band started playing, I realised that someone of my stature is not very suited to standing in the mosh pit especially when someone like Rob Bernhardt is standing between me and the stage. I am a little too old and a tad too heavy to ask to sit on Rob’s shoulders, so I moved back up into the seats and sat with Cindy and Tanya. This gave me a much better angle to get some good photos and video of the band performing on stage.

OneRepublic on stage

Check out some videos of the performance. I apologise in advance if they are a bit shaky as they were taken on a hand held camera from reasonably far away.

OneRepublic at Microsoft Convergence 2015 in Atlanta – Stop and Stare (direct link)


OneRepublic at Microsoft Convergence 2015 in Atlanta – Acoustic (direct link)


OneRepublic at Microsoft Convergence 2015 in Atlanta – Counting Stars (direct link)


OneRepublic at Microsoft Convergence 2015 in Atlanta – Finale (direct link)


The end of an OneBelievable night.

After the show was over, I had to find Mariano again as he was providing my ride home. A bit of searching in the crowd and I was able to find him in the photo above. See the photo below where I have zoomed in a little.

Where’s Mariano? Oh there he is … on the phone again!!!

So here ended another great, but long day.

Last day tomorrow.


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Filed under: Conference, Dynamics, GP, Microsoft, News Tagged: Conference, Convergence 2015, News

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