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Interactive Service Hub (ISH) – How to customize Command bar and Sitemap?

The Interactive Service Hub introduction post glanced through the key elements of Interactive Service Hub. A colleague brought up obvious questions about customizing Interactive Service Hub after reading the TechNet pages Create and design interactive forms for the interactive service hub and Use the Main InteractionCentric form and its components.

How to alter Navigation bar?

The answer is simple one liner. Sitemap customization should be used to alter the Navigation bar. The links  below provide details on how to modify sitemap.

Change application navigation using the SiteMap

Edit the site map

How to customize the command bar?

The Command bar in Interactive Service Hub is based on Ribbon XML like in the web client. Here are the links that provide details on how to customize the Command bar.

Customize commands and the ribbon

Export, prepare to edit, and import the ribbon


Both Sitemap and Command customization use the conventional XML definition. However, either one of these are not meant to enable features that are not available within Interactive Service Hub. For example, provisioning non-ISH enabled entities, enabling Reports or Advanced Find by Sitemap or Command bar customization is an unsupported scenario.


Hope you find this helpful! Thank you!

Bhavesh Shastri


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