During the average work week people spend more time at the office than they do with their family or friends. When you’re so close to something, so invested, it’s difficult to see that there might be a better way of doing something. How could our business benefit from us stepping back and taking a critical look at how we do things?
During a business process planning meeting, the team at DFC Consultants does just that. We explore how you are currently handling your finances, reporting, human resources, or inventory and what your struggles are. From there, we offer advice on how you could simplify or improve those functions.
After a business process planning meeting, Prairie Public implemented a new accounting software, Microsoft Dynamics GP, to help them with their reporting capabilities and financial management. They reduced month-end reporting by seven days and when natural staff turnover occurred, they were able to avoid hiring new accountants because of the reduced workload that Microsoft Dynamics GP provided, saving them $70,000 each year.
What would you do with more time in your day or more money in your company’s bank account? Take a step back and you may find there are ways to accomplish both of those things.
by DFC Consultants
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