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Require 'Recalculate ledger periods' when changing fiscal calendar on Ledger in 2020 Release wave 1 plan expected features from April to Sept 2020 in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Financials

Require 'Recalculate ledger periods' when changing fiscal calendar on Ledger in 2020 Release wave 1 plan expected features from April to Sept 2020 in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Financials

Business value
This feature requires that fiscal periods be recalculated after changing the fiscal calendar on the
Ledger page. This requirement helps ensure that transactions are assigned to the correct
periods in the new calendar.

Feature details
The fiscal calendar assigned to a ledger can be changed at any time. When you change the
calendar, you must also run the Recalculate ledger periods process, although the process
doesn’t have to be run immediately. However, recalculating the periods later, or not running the
process at all, can result in issues when reporting or in closing the year. Enabling this feature
requires you to recalculate fiscal periods immediately when you change the fiscal calendar on
the Ledger page.


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