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Displaying mediaset image

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Hi guys,

Any customer wants to take a picture with the camera (think of a phone/tablet BC client) and see it in a decent size, not just an icon in a list.
If this sounds fair, I have a scenario where I want to display the mediaset image that I take with the camera in a list view and display it afterwards at a decent size if I click on the record, or a button.
I have these issues so far (and unless I probably look at storing in Sharepoint I don't see how to achieve this):

  1. I use a cardpage with a card part that opens up the image in a custom page when I click the list record (similar to Item Card), however this doesn't come in a decent size to discern what is in the image, it is very tiny and doesn't make sense why, unless the mediaset is compressing the image to a standard small size?
    Is there something I am missing or I haven't found the right documentation link for?
  2. I tried to do the same thing using a Blob field with a Bitmap subtype, but this got deprecated. Which I can understand if Mediaset will take over the world, but so far to me Mediaset makes sense for an icons, it doesn't help in a camera taken image.

I hope this makes sense. Please forward to the right team. If I missed anything and there is a way to do this, or if you can provide a timeframe of an alternative - how to display a mediaset (camera taken) picture at the decent size.

What I tried:

  • I tried the export functions (thinking even a download would do as an alternative) but they were blocked for extension development for some reason.
  • I tried to use a blob field instead, with subtype Bitmap, however that has been deprecated too.


  • Suggested answer
    Marco Mels Profile Picture
    Marco Mels on at
    RE: Displaying mediaset image

    Thank you so much for sharing!

  • Suggested answer
    Robert Bulugea Profile Picture
    Robert Bulugea 70 on at
    RE: Displaying mediaset image

    Hey Marco,

     I got this fixed using control addins, I started off with this repo from Erik and then built on from there.

     Images now display large enough in a separate page using control addins.



  • Robert Bulugea Profile Picture
    Robert Bulugea 70 on at
    RE: Displaying mediaset image

    link here for one of my ideas to vote for:

  • Robert Bulugea Profile Picture
    Robert Bulugea 70 on at
    RE: Displaying mediaset image

    Hi Marco, the issues (I also found some discrepancies between tablet/phone mode - see here one of them) were raised with Microsoft and they are investigating these.

    I expect we will get a minor release fixing these, but I don't have a timeline yet.



  • Suggested answer
    Marco Mels Profile Picture
    Marco Mels on at
    RE: Displaying mediaset image

    Hello Robert,

    Thank you for your message. Please keep us posted about your experiment and feel free to raise further questions on this forum.


  • Robert Bulugea Profile Picture
    Robert Bulugea 70 on at
    RE: Displaying mediaset image

    Thanks Marco, I meant a custom mediaset, not the standard picture from the Item card.

    If I take code from the image export action of the item picture, I get this in my extension (both mediaset.exportfile and FilaManagement ExportImage will be marked only for internal use):


    I also cannot expand the camera page when I take the picture.

    Also when displaying the picture it shows a bit small, but maybe my problem comes from the camera page...I'll just have to  experiment more if the problem comes from there.

  • Suggested answer
    Marco Mels Profile Picture
    Marco Mels on at
    RE: Displaying mediaset image

    Hello Robert,

    I am not using any extension or code development. It works for me out of the box. Wondering what you meant with your initial sentence: "I tried the export functions (thinking even a download would do as an alternative) but they were blocked for extension development for some reason.". If that issue is resolved, you may have same wanted experience I have in standard?


  • Robert Bulugea Profile Picture
    Robert Bulugea 70 on at
    RE: Displaying mediaset image

    Hi Marco,

      Thanks for getting back on this, would you be able to paste here the code you used?

      Maybe I can try it again, considering the environments just updated to v18.



  • Suggested answer
    Marco Mels Profile Picture
    Marco Mels on at
    RE: Displaying mediaset image


    I ran the scenario and see what you mean. I do not know if there are specific extensions that can do what you want. The export function worked for me and I can easily look at the image from a mobile phone in a good way (not an icon).

    Maybe resolving the extension development issue and/or see if this works for you in a CRONUS company may help?


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