RE: Unit Cost digits after decimal places from 2 to 3
Hi Shahid,
Normally, items which already have an existing Purchase Order or Sales Order Transaction could not be updated using the available option in GP.
In this case, you have you have no other alternative, but to use the unconventional method to effect your desire changes.
To start;
First, Make a complete backup of the database you want to update.
Secondly, you need to know which tables that have the DECPLCUR as a column name. Use the below script;
SELECT * FROM sysobjects o, syscolumns c
WHERE = AND o.type = 'U' AND = 'DECPLCUR'
Next create a script to update the value from DECPLCUR column. For example,
Update IV00101 set DECPLCUR = '3' where ITEMNMBR = 'ITEMCODE'
Lastly, Change will only affect the transaction which are not yet posted. Historical transactions will not be affected.
Hope this helps.