We are using Dynamics Sales Professional for conservation management in Aotearoa New Zealand using NFP licencing.
We are too small to use Microsoft Marketing or Click Dimensions. Does anyone have a good system for sending bulk mail from Dynamics marketing lists please? If not how do you have another way around the mass mailing issue?
I would also be interested to talk to anyone using D365 for conservation
If you'd like, I'm happy to pick up via email or teams. If you email: technology AT endstreetsleeping.org I'll drop you a line and we can walk through it if you like.
I have set up DKIM
mystified about outbound queues though
This one might be a good place to start: stoneridgesoftware.com/.../
They do point out that sometimes queues are overkill. This one is more of a hands-on guide:
As I said, I'm by no means a guru here, so it may not be necessary to do the queue part, but I found it works for me, and is useful...
Thanks Steve, I will take a look at DKIM.
Yes we have a custom domain which is an alias for the onmicrosoft address in Office 365 and yes we will use a shared mailbox to send from. Is there an idiots guide to outbound queues?
OK - so a few more details about our setup. We're Office 365 (incl. Exchange Online), and have a "custom domain" - endstreetsleeping.org. If you're using Office 365 and a "custom" domain (i.e. not @onmicrosoft.com) it's recommended to set up DKIM and TSF - 2 authentication methods for email (that prevent/make more difficult spoofing your domain). Most spam engines will look to see if these have been setup and if not, will see that as a negative when evaluating your inbound email. There's a pretty understandable guide here:
As it says, if you using an @onmicrosoft.com domain you don't need to worry, this is all done for you.
Re: the outbound queue - I'm not sure how key this is to avoiding spam, but I set one up to send "from" a shared mailbox. I find the email/mailbox setup process in D365 a bit opaque, but I didn't want all the emails coming from my humble address. It might be different in your case? If you'd like to have a more in-depth discussion, happy to take up via email/Teams.
no problem. give me an hour or two and I'll update ...
cheers, Steve
are you able to expand on "I've done all the usual stuff with DKIM and related stuff for our domain (and used an outbound queue for the email campaign)..." please. I would appreciate some detailed advice on this if you have time as it is a game changer for us if we can make it work.
Many thanks
Hi mate,
I've emailed up to about 1100 recipients (not huge I know). I don't think we have a big problem with spam filters. I've done all the usual stuff with DKIM and related stuff for our domain (and used an outbound queue for the email campaign)...As you know I'm sure, it's hard if orgs have strict spam filters. We do get the odd mail rejected...
Thanks Steve
I am assuming then you are not using any mail server software so am wondering how many are in your campaign list and how many of your emails are caught by spam filters? That is the issue I am trying to circumvent
Hi Richard,
I'm in the same boat across the ditch - I work for a small NFP in homelessness.
The workaround I'm using is pretty clunky, but it works - create a new "Quick Campaign" for your marketing list and use an email "template". You can find templates in the administration area of D365 (Under "Business/Templates"). What's clunky about it is that I use one template per email campaign, so I now have a proliferation of email templates. I started with a standard one and modified it for use. Typically I'll then create a new template from an existing template when I have a new bulk email to send.
It's disappointing that D365 Marketing is so expensive for NFPs - MSFT is generous in other areas (at least with us) but Marketing pricing seems out of kilter.
Hope this helps,
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