We are going online soon with Dynamics Business Central. Our Application Version is 21.1.48363.48789. Sandbox.
Trying to add an extra flowfield to Item List - "Qty. to Ship" from Sales Line.
Have created (my first ones) a table and a page extention in Visual Studio Code AL with the code below.
Table extention works fine, I can add the field "Qty. to Ship" to Item List with Designer - would like to add the field with a page extention but it gives me error "The name "Qty. to Ship" does not exist in current context"
Will be glad for help:)
Tableextension 50100 qtytoshipExt extends "Item" { fields { field(50100; Qty_to_Ship; decimal) { Caption = 'Lever på ordre'; DecimalPlaces = 0 : 5; Editable = false; FieldClass = FlowField; CalcFormula = Sum("Sales Line"."Qty. to Ship" WHERE("Document Type" = const(Order), Type = const(Item), "No." = field("No."), "Qty. to Ship" = FILTER(> 0))); } } var myInt: Integer; }
pageextension 50100 pqtytoshipExt extends "Item List" { layout { addafter(InventoryField) { field("Qty. to Ship"; "Qty. to Ship") { ApplicationArea = All; Caption = 'Lever på ordre'; } } } var myInt: Integer; }