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If you have the Dynamics 365 version 9.0.2 or above , this issue will not happen. But if you have run the Import on the Database and the Import failed, you need restore the database before the Import failure occurred as the Import will make changes to the database and doesn't roll back if the Import fails. So if you have database from 8.2.xx and you installed Dynamics 365 9.0.2 or above the Import will successed.
Was this import issue ever resolved?
Guys -- Try you luck with this release
Even 0.3 patch didn't work...
I have open case with MSP let see what they reply on this...
In case it could help, here is a link to Dynamics 365 V9.0.3.0007
To fix this issue request hotfix from Microsoft for V9 with version number
Take backup of your organization Database
run the following script and drop all the Constraints from the tables.
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#DropForeignKeysStatement') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #DropForeignKeysStatement
SELECT DropStatement = 'ALTER TABLE [dbo].[' + st.name + '] DROP CONSTRAINT [' + sfk.name + ']'
INTO #DropForeignKeysStatement
FROM sys.foreign_keys sfk
INNER JOIN sys.tables st ON sfk.parent_object_id = st.object_id
AND sfk.schema_id = st.schema_id
WHERE sfk.schema_id = schema_id('dbo')
SELECT DropStatement FROM #DropForeignKeysStatement
DECLARE dropStatementCursor CURSOR FOR
(SELECT DropStatement FROM #DropForeignKeysStatement);
OPEN dropStatementCursor;
DECLARE @currentStatement NVARCHAR(max);
FETCH NEXT FROM dropStatementCursor INTO @currentStatement;
EXEC sp_executesql @currentStatement;
FETCH NEXT FROM dropStatementCursor INTO @currentStatement;
CLOSE dropStatementCursor;
DEALLOCATE dropStatementCursor;
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#DropForeignKeysStatement') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #DropForeignKeysStatement
Re-import your organization. During the import process, these deleted constraints will be added back.
a quick question, topics.... tables error are not in full text search. Why do we need to deactivate Full Text Search and why should I wait 24 hours?
This was the advice given to me last upgrade (note: I didn't do it this way this time, so can't vouch, but seems like it should still work): community.dynamics.com/.../201943
André Arnaud de Cal...
Super User 2025 Season 1
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