We're trying to remove Insights from CRM since the free version is being discontinued and it's not something we use much. Found these uninstall instructions but we have a dependency error when we try to delete the solution. https://kb.insideview.com/hc/en-us/articles/115007393928-Uninstalling-Insights-Enterprise-from-Microsoft-Dynamics-CRM-or-Dynamics-365
I'm not sure of the proper way to remove the notify_loader.js dependency. I can go to the Forms listed and to Form Properties and see the script there but I see the same script on my Contact Form yet the Contact Form is not listed as a dependency.
Here's the script contents:
function iv_notifyOnLoadActivity(executionContext, packageVersion, crmVersion){ var client = Xrm.Page.context.client.getClient(); if(client !== "Mobile") { var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var t = (new Date()).getTime(); window.ivBaseUrl = 'https://my.insideview.com'; window.ivPackageVersion = packageVersion; window.ivcrmVersion = crmVersion; var notifyInit = document.createElement('script'); notifyInit.id = 'iv_notify_init'; notifyInit.type = 'text/javascript'; notifyInit.async = false; notifyInit.src = ivBaseUrl + '/iv/common/javascript/mashup/dynamics/crm2015_notify_script_loader.js?v=' + t ; head.appendChild(notifyInit); } }
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Did all that and things have been working good but a month later, I found more Insights leftovers. Can this Entity be deleted?
Yes, just go through forms, remove dependencies, publish changes and try to uninstall solution. Mentioned script is a part of Insights solution.
Ok, but how to "drop all references"? Do I remove the script from the Forms or Edit the script? I couldn't find any info online about a script called notify_loader.js so I'm not sure if it's part of default CRM or was only put there for Insights. Thanks
I would recommend to drop all the references both - listed and not and try to uninstall solution after.
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