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I get an error message in Dynamics 365 trying to open file attachments from within emails within the Dynamics 365 App for Outlook

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I get an error message in Dynamics 365 trying to open file attachments (PDF,JPG, etc) from within CASES within the Dynamics 365 App for Outlook.

The error message from Dynamics 365 App for Outlook  is:-

Error code: 0x80040315
Session Id: ed924d3f-7368-417b-b104-d73c5d5318f1
Activity Id: 53adc357-1884-438e-a1e1-25c9162c72d6
Time: Wed Mar 24 2021 10:48:22 GMT+1100 (AUS Eastern Daylight Time)

But if I open the CASE in a normal web browser such as Edge, the file attachments open correctly in their respective associated program!!!!!!!


  • Suggested answer
    lkoplin Profile Picture
    lkoplin on at
    RE: I get an error message in Dynamics 365 trying to open file attachments from within emails within the Dynamics 365 App for Outlook

    Hello Wayne,

    I understand that you are experiencing an error in Dynamics 365 when trying to open a file attachment from within Cases inside of the D365 App for Outlook.  When you perform this action from a web browser like Edge, the functionality works as expected.

    I see that your environment is Dynamics 365 Online.  I did test this in my deployment and the functionality works as expected from within the D365 App for Outlook.  If I open the case inside of D365 App for Outlook and look at the associated email activity, I am able to click on the Attachment when prompts me to download the attachment just like it would from a web browser.


    A few questions that would differ from environment to environment would be the following along with a few other things that you would want to check into.

    • What version build of Windows 10 are you running?  
      • If you are not already, try updating to build 1903 or later.
    • What version build of Microsoft Outlook are you running?
      • If you are not already, try updating to the latest February or March 2021 updates that are available for your version of Outlook.
    • If you log into OWA and go through the same process, does the functionality work as expected or do you see the same error?
      • Try opening the attachment in D365 App for Outlook inside of OWA in Edge, Internet Explorer, Chrome, etc.

    Outlook utilizes a background IE or Edge process for some of its functionality.  Edge provides a better experience and a more accommodating functionality for other Mail App add-ins.  What dictates whether the IE or Edge process is used is based on both the Windows 10 Pro version build and the Outlook Version build.  Both need to be updated to one of the latest updates in order for the Edge process to be utilized.  Updating both your O/S and Outlook client would be a good starting point for troubleshooting the issue if they are not already.  Even if this does not resolve your issue, there are many performance improvements made when the Edge process is used in the background for Outlook.

    Thanks and have a great day!

    Lance Koplin
    Microsoft Dynamics 365

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