I've been rethinking how sales line discounts are applied in our system. Currently, we have line discounts set up by 'customer' sales type. It works, but I don't like that I can't see what discounts are applied anywhere on the customer list view.
After doing a bit of reading, I realized I could change the line discount to a sales type of 'Customer Disc. Group', which is triggered by the matching field on the invoicing section of the customer card.
However, I've noticed that between the two sales types there are differences in when the discount is applied.
- Line discounts applied to customer sales type take effect for the next sales line item added to an order.
- Line discounts applied to a customer discount group need a new order to be created in order for them to start showing up.
Is this the way the system is supposed to work? Is it possible to set line discounts by customer discount group and have them show up for new line items on existing orders?