The process of creating a new company from the /Companies/ screen used to be very simple. You followed the prompts, chose /Production - Setup Data Only/, and ended up with a basic setup that included a G/L Chart of Accounts that looked like the Chart of Accounts in Cronus.
4 days ago, I took these exact steps in one of my customer's domains. The Chart of Accounts is a mess. I wondered if this was unique to their domain, so I tried the same thing in my company's domain. I got the same (messed up) result.
A proper Chart of Accounts should start with the Cash accounts, followed by A/R, etc. Instead, the Chart of Accounts begins with /Intangible Fixed Assets/--and goes downhill from there. This process screws up in exactly the same manner in both my domain (shown below) and my customer's domain:
/z-test/ was created on my company's domain:
/TEMPLATE/ was created on my customer's domain:
The /M-BALANCE/ and /M-INCOME/ financial statement row formats do not reflect the accounts shown in the Chart of Accounts, so I'm guessing this is some sort of bug with BC's new company creation process.