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"Production - Setup Data Only" from the "Companies" screen results in a garbled Chart of Accounts

Posted on by 2
The process of creating a new company from the /Companies/ screen used to be very simple.  You followed the prompts, chose /Production - Setup Data Only/, and ended up with a basic setup that included a G/L Chart of Accounts that looked like the Chart of Accounts in Cronus.
4 days ago, I took these exact steps in one of my customer's domains.  The Chart of Accounts is a mess.  I wondered if this was unique to their domain, so I tried the same thing in my company's domain.  I got the same (messed up) result.
A proper Chart of Accounts should start with the Cash accounts, followed by A/R, etc.  Instead, the Chart of Accounts begins with /Intangible Fixed Assets/--and goes downhill from there.  This process screws up in exactly the same manner in both my domain (shown below) and my customer's domain:
/z-test/ was created on my company's domain:
/TEMPLATE/ was created on my customer's domain:
The /M-BALANCE/ and /M-INCOME/ financial statement row formats do not reflect the accounts shown in the Chart of Accounts, so I'm guessing this is some sort of bug with BC's new company creation process.
  • DaveBoehm Profile Picture
    DaveBoehm 2 on at
    "Production - Setup Data Only" from the "Companies" screen results in a garbled Chart of Accounts
    "Cash first" is the standard way of creating a Chart of Accounts in the US.  Trust me on this one.  I've been a CPA for a long, long time.
    Anyway, I initially thought that perhaps this was a localization issue.  However, my "Region" has been set to "English (United States)" since I first started using BC.  This was when it was still known as "Project Madeira" back in 2016.  Also, account 12230 (as an example) has a description of "Cars and other Transport Equipments".  In proper US English, this would be shown as "Cars and Other Transport Equipment" (with no "s" on the end).  This leads me to believe this is perhaps an AI translation.  "Equipments and Tools" and other account descriptions similarly look like mistranslations to US English.
    I've never seen this issue before, so I would guess this is a problem introduced by Microsoft's latest versions.  The fact that in some regions you would expect to see a chart of accounts that begins with long-term assets, tends to confirm this.
  • Suggested answer
    StephPearson Profile Picture
    StephPearson 43 on at
    "Production - Setup Data Only" from the "Companies" screen results in a garbled Chart of Accounts
    I think you may have the wrong localisation selected as this looks like a pretty normal chart of accounts to me, in the UK our chart of accounts structure is usually structured like this
  • Suggested answer
    KasparsSemjonovs Profile Picture
    KasparsSemjonovs 3,660 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    "Production - Setup Data Only" from the "Companies" screen results in a garbled Chart of Accounts
    What You call "messed up" in a lot of countries consider normal ^_^ I have never seen a CoA that starts with cash accounts. Would be great to know in which Country this is the normal way?

    Could be this is based on the localization version of the BC You install and this time You installed a W1 version ?

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