i want to use database that is in my localhost. when I run New-BcContainerWizard when buildnng the container i get this kind of error.
Can someone help pls ?
i want to use database that is in my localhost. when I run New-BcContainerWizard when buildnng the container i get this kind of error.
Can someone help pls ?
it get stuck in here "Importing Encryption Key"
when i ping the ip address of sql server from inside the container it says destination host unreachable.
am I missing something ?
i did this and the same problem happens.
Please look at these instructions:
sql is running and i can connect in my pc
#Is the NAV service user you use in the docket container granted DBO rights on your database?
i dont know this can you help me how can i grant these permissions?
There is a problem with the connection to your SQL server or / and your database.
Is the SQL running and is is accessible from the host you run docker on?
Is the NAV service user you use in the docket container granted DBO rights on your database?
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