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Microsoft Dynamics GP forum

eConnect 10.0 Taxable Freight Question

Posted on by 110

I'm attempting to update a GP Sales Order with a freight amount using eConnect and .Net. eConnect wants to force the freight to "Taxable" (and require a Tax Schedule ID) instead of using the "Base on customers" setting to automatically determine if the freight is taxable and apply the appropriate updates.

I've tried a variety of combinations of how I set the properties FRTSCHID and FREIGTBLE on my taSopHdrIvcInsert typed object. Either it adds freight without updating taxes (which is incorrect in my scenario) or it forces Taxable Freight to "Taxable" and all the numbers come out perfectly (which is also incorrect). My desired results are to leave the Taxable Freight to "Base on customers", an updated freight amount, an updated sales tax amount, and an updated document amount.

Is this by design, a bug, or am I'm missing some property that would tell eConnect, "figure out if freight is taxable and apply it"? Additionally, is there an programmatic way of determining when "Based on customers" is actually a non-taxable situation, so I can set the eConnect fields to not make freight taxable?

Desired Results


Actual Results

  • Suggested answer
    Nancy Chavez Profile Picture
    Nancy Chavez 195 on at
    Re: eConnect 10.0 Taxable Freight Question

    Does anyone work with taxable freights that could help us on this issue?

  • Nancy Chavez Profile Picture
    Nancy Chavez 195 on at
    Re: eConnect 10.0 Taxable Freight Question

    H1108.13.JPG"0" src="/api/data/v9.1/msdyn_richtextfiles(6D3F413C-C03A-4888-9E34-87F327A3E439)/msdyn_imageblob/$value?size=full" />

    The freight amount (30) has the correct Tax Schedule Id:

     But, when I see the distributions, the freight amount shows like this:

    If I do an invoice manually, the freight calculates fine since the beginning, so, I don't know if this is some kind of bug? I'm on GP 10.00.1368 SP4, and econnect 10.0


  • Suggested answer
    L Vail Profile Picture
    L Vail 65,269 on at
    Re: eConnect 10.0 Taxable Freight Question

    This is a suggestion just working with the way GP calculates tax. In SOP setup options, change Freight to taxable. Create a tax schedule named 'FREIGHT' and include all details in that schedule. Assign that FREIGHT tax schedule to Freight in SOP Setup. Using this method, tax would be calculated on frieght matching it up with any other tax schedule.

    To figure if the Freight was taxable, the system would compare the tax details in the FREIGHT schedule to the tax details in the Customer's schedule (assuming delivery). It uses any details found in both schedules to calculate tax on Freight.

    Kind regards,


  • Nancy Chavez Profile Picture
    Nancy Chavez 195 on at
    Re: eConnect 10.0 Taxable Freight Question

    Hi Kevin

    I have the same situation with an integration. Even when I had success on integrating an invoice with the correct Taxable option, when I see the distributions, this are not correct at all.

    This is the value I want in the invoice:


    And this is how it integrates (you can see the distributions are not correct)


    This is how is supposed to be integrated:


    I have the XML in this way:







    Is there any other thing I should put in this to make it work? Any help would be very appreciated

  • Verified answer
    Re: eConnect 10.0 Taxable Freight Question


    You should be able to do this with setting FREIGTBLE to 3 (base on customer) and DEFTAXSCHDS to 1 so that eConnect will default the tax schedule information based on the customer's ship to address on this order. I was able to do an update of an existing order with eConnect (to add a freight amount to the order) and have eConnect calculate tax on the new freight amount based on the customer's tax schedule. Here's the XML I used for this update:



















    Hope this helps


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