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General questions on crm

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1) while assigning case to new user then how to send email to old owner and new owner

2)how quote,order, opportunity and related with price list and product

3/)best way to migrate 2lakh account and contact 

In what sequence to migrate so account lookup get associated with contact

  • Kapil Singla Profile Picture
    Kapil Singla 130 on at
    RE: General questions on crm

    Thanks again for the answers

    Really helpful

  • Verified answer
    a33ik Profile Picture
    a33ik 84,325 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: General questions on crm

    Look like you're preparing for the interview. I would recommend googling Dynamics CRM Questions - there are a lot of answers.

    1. Pretty much yes.

    2. Sync is executed in the transaction, async - outside of the transaction.

    3.  Pretty much yes. CWA can have images when is used in Create/Update/Delete/Assign triggered workflows.

    4. Not sure what the custom action is. I believe it's another name of the action.

    5. Yes.

    6. Tricky question. There is no supported way to delete the user account. So the answer - nothing will happen to accounts.

    7. Again - nothing if there is no something custom written.

  • Kapil Singla Profile Picture
    Kapil Singla 130 on at
    RE: General questions on crm

    Hey Andrew

    Thanks again

    Are you on LinkedIn , your answers are really helpful

    Some new questions,hope you can help ..I know the basic difference between the below questions but need to know is there a big diff which I m missing

    1) Difference between pre validation and preoperation

    Prevalidation => don't check security role and perform operations and no rollback

    Preoperation does rollback and check security role

    Both are same except the security role check ...


    2) Async Vs sync

    My knowledge (

    Sync =>suppose we are creating account and  Sync plugin triggered then if plugin succeed then account record get created else  if plugin fail then rollback

    Async=> =>suppose we are creating account and  aSync plugin triggered then account get created after that   plugin will perform its operations and if plugin fails then still it won't rollback the account record )


    3)plugin Vs custom workflow

    My knowledge

    Plugin triggered by event where as custom workflow triggered by workflow

    Plugin has more messages than custom workflow

    Plugin can't run on demand

    Plugin can't take input output parameter

    Plugin requires visual studio to develop where custom workflow first requires a workflow to call custom workflow and then visual studio

    Please let me know if I am missing anything

    Can custom workflow have pre image?


    Someone asked below question to Me which I tried to Google but didn't find anything

    4) difference between action and custom action

    ( I used to think both are same , please guide)


    Suppose you own 5 account records .

    5)now I changed your business unit and no security role is assigned to you then what will happen to those 5 account records=> will they still be assigned to you ??

    6) what if I delete your user account then what will happen to those 5 account records

    7) what if I deactivate your account records then what will happen to those 5 account records

  • Verified answer
    a33ik Profile Picture
    a33ik 84,325 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: General questions on crm

    2. Let's say you use User 1 as the user that is used to do the integration and connect to both instances. So if any operation like Create/Update/Delete is performed by the User 1 just ignore it as a trigger for the integration. I hope it's clear enough.

    5. So if the user has "Create" privilege of the user level - user with that privilege can create the record and set himself/herself as an owner of the records. When user has "Create" privilege of the BU level - user with that privilege can create the record and set anyone from his/her BU as an owner. The same applies to parent-child and org.

  • Kapil Singla Profile Picture
    Kapil Singla 130 on at
    RE: General questions on crm

    Thanks again for answer

    Can you explain 2nd answer

    5ques : we can assign user,bu,parent child ,org on security role .. then how does create permission is different at all level...means what's the difference of create permission at user ,bu, parent child and org...

    Apart of owner field which we can't change if we have user level create

  • a33ik Profile Picture
    a33ik 84,325 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: General questions on crm

    1. I believe it's just a UI glitch that no one fixed in years. There is no point in an async plugin that works in pre-mode.

    2. I would say use a special account that is used in updates (let's say integration account) and use it as a marker of the fact that updates should not be sent to Logic Apps.

    3. Rest is the new standard. Soap will be deprecated in the fullness of time. So try to avoid using SOAP.

    4. Plugin is used to handle messages - like CRUD or Custom Messages. And custom workflow activity is just an extension of the Classic Workflows.

    5. Not sure what's mentioned.

    6. It's not possible. The workaround is to offload the execution to something that can run the code without that restriction and the best alternative is to use Azure Functions.

  • Kapil Singla Profile Picture
    Kapil Singla 130 on at
    RE: General questions on crm

    Thanks Andrew ,that really helps..

    Some new question

    1) Normally it's told we can't register prevalidation and preoperation on Asyn mode..then why plugin give us flexibility to make it async......

    2) suppose we have 2 logic app and 2 CRM.... On update of account name on CRM1 , logic app1 trigger and update account name on CRM 2...on update of account name on CRM2, logic app2 trigger and update account name on to optimise or stop the deadlock without using retrieve to check the value of name i.e if value are same then don't update

    3) rest Vs soap with example ..why use rest over soap or vice versa

    4)how plugin and custom workflow are different

    5) how create level user permissions different from business unit level and org level

    6) best way to run plugin ever after 2min Timeout

  • Verified answer
    a33ik Profile Picture
    a33ik 84,325 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: General questions on crm

    1. Increase the depth by 1 everytime so.1, 2, 3.


    3.  Check the search engine. There are a lot of answers over there.

  • Kapil Singla Profile Picture
    Kapil Singla 130 on at
    RE: General questions on crm

    Thanks for the answers

    I have few more questions

    1) suppose on update of contact in CRM,we have post operation update plugin which call action inside which update account data.then we have plugin on account update what will be depth for all 3plugin

    Contact update plugin

    Action plugin

    Account plugin

    Flow CRM contact data is updated then contact plugin is called which calles action plugin which update account data hence account plugin triggered

    2) how to stop user from moving backward and forward one step in bpf

    Like if we are on stage 3 then user can not move on 1 and 5 , if on 4 then can't move to 2

    3)how to estimate a story point in scrum...

  • Suggested answer
    a33ik Profile Picture
    a33ik 84,325 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: General questions on crm


    1. If you want to do that no-code way you can use the following approach:

     1.1. Create a previous owner field on the case.

     1.2. Create a real-time workflow "before" owner field is updated and update "previous owner" with the owner value.

     1.3. Create a workflow that will send the notification that.

    2. Quote, Order and Opportunity reference Price List, Price List and Product have an intersection entity Price List Item, Quote have children Quote Details that reference Products, Orders have children Order Details that reference Products, Opportunity have children Opportunity Details that reference Products.

    3. I'm not sure what 21akh account and contact.

    Based on my experience I used the following approach when I migrate account and contacts:

    1. I migrate accounts without references to other accounts and contacts.

    2. I import contacts without references to other accounts and contacts.

    3. I update accounts with referenced to parent accounts/primary contacts.

    4. I update contacts with reference to parent contact.

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