Hi fellow developers!
We are trying to send .PDF in Base64 format via API to an integration partner. I am able to convert document to Base64 and save it in a BLOB field but when I call the API, the field always show up twice identically on the API Json like below.
I have double checked and there is only one table field and one page field added, and it's the same duplication for both Custom API and WebService Page API. It's confusing and redundant for our business partner. Is there a way to fix this? Seems like a bug to me.
{ "@odata.context": "xxx/ODataV4/$metadata#Company('TEST')/WarehouseShipmentHeader", "value": [ { "@odata.etag": "xxx", "Shipment_Label_Base64@odata.mediaEditLink": "https://api.businesscentral.dynamics.com/v2.0/xxx/ODataV4/Company('TEST')/WarehouseShipmentHeader('xxx')/Shipment_Label_Base64", "Shipment_Label_Base64@odata.mediaReadLink": "https://api.businesscentral.dynamics.com/v2.0/xxx/ODataV4/Company('TEST')/WarehouseShipmentHeader('xxx')/Shipment_Label_Base64" } ] }
I used below code to add the field to table and page:
#table field: field(12345; "Label In Base64"; Blob) { DataClassification = CustomerContent; } #page field: field("Shipping_Label"; rec."Label In Base64") { ApplicationArea = All; Caption = 'Shipping Label Base64'; }