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Adding an out of the box field to a custom entity

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee


I’m trying to add an out of the box field that is currently sitting in an out of the box entity to a custom entity without having the publisher prefix populate in the schema name.


The field I’m trying to use is the email address field that currently sits in the Contact entity:



I’m trying to add the same field to a custom entity, but the publisher prefix populates when adding a new field to the custom entity:


Is there a method of adding that field without having the prefix populate?


Thanks in advance



  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Adding an out of the box field to a custom entity

    Thank you so very much Pablo!!

  • PabloCRP Profile Picture
    PabloCRP 1,086 on at
    RE: Adding an out of the box field to a custom entity

    the relationship will show you the reference record , not the email. if you click it then it'll redirect to the record. also if you add a custom field to a form "Display Name" will show.

    You could create the custom field let's say new_mycustommailfield in your custom entity and create a WorkFlow when emailadress1 be update maps that value to new_mycustommailfield.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Adding an out of the box field to a custom entity

    Thanks Pablo.

    I need that field to show up in the custom entity.

    If I create that relationship, does that field show up in the custom entity as a lookup field?


    Do I still need to add the field to the custom entity and will the publisher prefix not show?

  • Suggested answer
    PabloCRP Profile Picture
    PabloCRP 1,086 on at
    RE: Adding an out of the box field to a custom entity

    Hi, Jose V

    You should create your own field(column) in your custom entity, or if you really need that field because data related, consider making a entity relationship.



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