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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Importing Data Into Manufacturing

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Does anyone have any documentation on importing data into the GP manufacturing module in V10.0

I am specifically interested in uploading BOM's.

The SDK for V10.0 seems to have nothing about it.

Kind Regards



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  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: Re: Re: Re: Importing Data Into Manufacturing


    I would prefer using Macro's for this import.

    I faced this issue before in one of our implementations and used Macro to
    import Bill of Materials for 12,000 Items, I can help you by sending you
    Macro script Mapped to word document mailing list, all what you have to do is
    to load your data source and generate the Macro.

    Find my answer in the newsgroup for the complete steps to create the macro:


  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: Re: Re: Importing Data Into Manufacturing


    Another thing to keep in mind when importing BOM data is the a field in IVR10015 (Item Engineering Window) for the Low Level Code.  This number is very important if you are using MRP, not important at all otherwise.

     Low Level Code defines the lowest in a BOM structure that an item sits.  MRP logic makes great use of this in order to be accurate.  For instance,  If item A is only  a finished good, then it has a low level code of 0.  However, suppose item B is a component of item A, yet is also manufactured and has its own BOM as well.  Perhaps even item B is sold separately more often than becoming a part of item A.  Even so, item B's low level code will be 1 because that is the lowest level it resides starting from an item with a low level code of 0.  Hopefully not too confusing, but more importantly, there is a routine in GP that will fix this number.  Therefore, I suggest you import them all as 0 or 1 and then run this routine (again, if MRP is at play).  The routine is located at Tools>Utilities>Manufacturing>MRP Low Level Codes.  Just insert a really high number, much higher than your deepest finished good BOM, and run it after you have imported.

    John Chastain

    MMLJ Consulting, LLC



  • Peter Smith Profile Picture
    Peter Smith 40 on at
    Re: Re: Importing Data Into Manufacturing


    Thank you for your spreadsheet it will be a great help.  If I find any changes in V10 I will send you an updated copy.

     Thanks once again


    Peter Smith | Senior ERP Applications Consultant  / Project Manager | M4 Systems Limited  Microsoft GOLD CERTIFIED Partner - focusing upon ERP and CRM Business Solutions based on Microsoft Dynamics GP/CRM


  • Ron Draganowski Profile Picture
    Ron Draganowski 1,575 on at
    Re: Importing Data Into Manufacturing

    We've done BOM integrations a few times, most recently on version 9.0.  When we did that, I began by creating my own little SDK for Manufacturing, as you're correct that (as far as I'm aware) one does not exist.  It's just an Excel spreadsheet where I grouped Manufacturing tables by the sub module (like Bill of Materials, Manufacturing Orders, Engineering Change, etc.).  I've also highlighted important tables with bold, and added a few comments.  Not fancy, but it will do.

    Here's the link:

    If you make changes, please send me an updated copy!

    As for tips, well, we're not in the habit of giving away code that took many days to create.  What I can share with you is that the main tables you should be concerned with are:

    BM010415 (BOM header)
    IV00102 (replenishment method)
    BM010115 (BOM lines)
    BM010200 (routing lines)
    TARD1001 (reference designators)
    IVR10015 (item companion)

    I skimmed through a code example to get these, but I know that other prerequisites may be in play.  But, this will get you started.

    Good luck.

    Ron Draganowski
    Solution Services Practice Manager
    Olsen Thielen Technologies, Inc.
    St Paul, Minnesota


    Find me on LinkedIn: 

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