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Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Archived)

We are not able to pass input parameters to html web-resource from entity form.

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee


We would like to open and pass input parameters to an HTML web-resource in CRM Modal Dialog box after user clicks on a custom ribbon button on the entity Form. HTML web-resource will, in turn, call external URL using form “post” method. External URL will fetch data using input parameters and display the result in CRM Modal dialog box.


Problem Statement:

We are not able to pass input parameters to html web-resource from entity form.


*This post is locked for comments

  • Profile Picture 5 on at
    RE: We are not able to pass input parameters to html web-resource from entity form.

    Thanks Mark , It is a perfect solution.

  • MarkR_B Profile Picture
    MarkR_B 465 on at
    RE: We are not able to pass input parameters to html web-resource from entity form.


    You can easily open a dialog with the following code

    var currentRecId =;
    var someText = "info";
    var addParams = "recordid=" + currentRecId + "&sometext=" + someText;
    //Build the URI
    var src = "/webresources/new_customDialog.htm?Data=" + encodeURIComponent(addParams);
    //Build dialog options
    var DialogOptions = new Xrm.DialogOptions();
    DialogOptions.width = 1300;
    DialogOptions.height = 850;
    Xrm.Internal.openDialog(src, DialogOptions, null, null, CallbackFunction);
    //Execute some action on closing of dialog
    function CallbackFunction(returnValue) {
      //Do something with the returned value

    Then within the dialog you can use the following function to get the parameters.

    function ParseQueryString(query) {
      var result = {};
      if (typeof query == "undefined" || query == null) {
         return result;
      var queryparts = query.split("&");  
      for (var i = 0; i < queryparts.length; i++) {
         var params = queryparts[i].split("=");
         result[params[0]] = params.length > 1 ? params[1] : null;
      return result;

    Then to get the parameters use the function as such

    //Get the parameters passed
    var passedparams = ParseQueryString(GetGlobalContext().getQueryStringParameters()["Data"]);
    //Populate the property ID
    var currentRecId = passedparams.recordid;
    var someText= passedparams.sometext;

    One thing to note, you will run into cross domain issues if you are obtaining data from a seperate domain. Take a look at this thread it may be of use to you I have used Actions to owvercome this and it works well.

    Hope this helps 


  • Royal King Profile Picture
    Royal King 27,686 on at
    RE: We are not able to pass input parameters to html web-resource from entity form.

    Are you calling any javascript function to open modal dialogue? if so you can easily pass record values as query string parameter to the Dialogue window.

    find below sample code to pass multiple values

    var customParameters = encodeURIComponent("first=First Value&second=Second Value&third=Third Value");


    detailed information on passing multiple values to web resouce can be found here

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