one of our user who have super permission but unable to cancel a PO. Another user who has full permissions is also unable to cancel the PO and that person is the one who created the PO. The cancel option does show up but nothing happens when clicked. The PO are in Pending approval status.
Ah you are referring to the Cancel Approval Request function. I believe only the original approval requestor, or an approval admin can cancel a request. It's not related to being a super user or to who created the PO.
A user can be set up as an approval admin in the Approval User Setup Page.
User is trying to cancel a PO when its in Pending approval status. Due to my current permissions, the options are grayed out for me but for the client, the user has the Super Permission and can see the cancel Approval request but when they click on it, nothing happens.
Did you install the localization package or Third-party extension? As far as I know, the localization package of the Japanese partner includes the Cancel/Close function, but please note that this is not a standard function, please contact your partner.
There is no Cancel function or action on an unposted purchase order, can you clarify or show a screenshot of what you're trying to do? Are you trying to delete it?
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