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Web Services, SOAP or ODATA

Posted on by 10

If multiple eCommerce sites with a considerate amount of traffic were to be connected to business central how could the API handle simultaneous requests  posting sales to the API from different websites?

SOAP is blocking them due to locked tables because it treats each request as a transaction on the database.

Is there any way of changing this behavior?

Would it be better if ODATA Web services were used to handle these kind of scenarios? Knowing there will be  some occasions with prolonged hours of continuous messaging to the API due to the high amount of Sales.

Thank You!

  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Web Services, SOAP or ODATA

    if the number of Post is high, I think it is better to have a table as a buffer. creat a web service SOAP for inserting data from 3rd party app into the buffer table. then create a Job Queue to process the records in the buffer table to create and post the documents.

  • rahulthakur Profile Picture
    rahulthakur 5 on at
    RE: Web Services, SOAP or ODATA

    I am using the AWS Consulting Services from the last 6 month and store our data online in a cloud, it is the most powerful and secure data storage services with complete trust in today's time. Whizlabs provide this service if you also want to store the data then visit on google!

  • Suggested answer
    Stefano Demiliani Profile Picture
    Stefano Demiliani 37,160 on at
    RE: Web Services, SOAP or ODATA

    All tables no. I mean that the action you're performing is threaded as a transaction by the SQL level. So for example, posting an order involves locking on some tables and this is standard behaviour to guarantee consistency.

  • MindfulGaze Profile Picture
    MindfulGaze 10 on at
    RE: Web Services, SOAP or ODATA

    SOAP treats each request as a transaction, request lock all tables therefore if an Order takes 3seconds to create I can't send 10request each second because Business Central can't handle that because of the limitations of the transaction locking all tables.

    Are you sure ODATA treats each request as a transaction that locks all tables? That would mean business central ins't a software that can handle big amout of data from multiple eccomerce websites right?

  • Stefano Demiliani Profile Picture
    Stefano Demiliani 37,160 on at
    RE: Web Services, SOAP or ODATA

    Each request is always a transaction on the db. SOAP and ODATA has the same limits on number of requests admitted (10 requests for second), you need to handle that.

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