I have seen information about filtering a lookup in Dynamics Portal but doesn't seem like anything is working for me. I have three custom entities
Programmes (1-N) Programme-courses (N-1) Courses
I have a subgrid on Programmes with associated Programme-courses records.
I have added metadata so that you can create a new record on this subgrid.
When you click Create it opens a new Programme-courses record, which has a lookup to entity Courses. I need to be able to filter the lookup for Courses based on accounts which are associated to Courses.
I have the account lookup on Programme-courses and it is also the same account which is associated to the current user (the logged in user is the primary contact for this account)
I have created entity permissions on the Programme-course record to with account scope, and entity permissions for the course as a child permission.
Any help getting the lookup filtered as desired?
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