Does anyone have experience with building reports in Financial reports (management reporter) that are using constant currency concept?
The client is billing in different currencies, and they are using CC billing report to calculate actual growth of sales excluding impact of currency fluctuations.
We would like to make the following report in D365:
The amounts are based on postings made to a group of main accounts ofc.
Amounts in green boxes are the easy ones, they represent total amount in accounting currency for each period.
Amounts in red box are the complicated ones. These amounts are calculated using constant currencies from PY: sum of total amounts in transaction currency divided by constant currency for each currency.
Constant currency for each currency is calculated based on the numbers from PY: Total amount in transaction currency/Total amount in accounting currency (EUR).
And it’s calculated like that for each currency that is not EUR. The client is using 50 currencies at the moment.
We are trying to find the way to populate amounts in red box without creating hundreds of columns in manager reporter to calculate constant currency for each currency for each period.
Any idea will be much appreciated 😊