Over the last couple of years we have used a couple of different powerapps, embedded in to mpos within a button grid where the URL is inserted in to an 'open url' command.
We're starting to see across a number of these devices that after clicking on the powerapp button, the powerapp is stuck in a spin with the loading wheel going round and round and even if left for an hour nothing changes. If we close out of mpos and back in, it still won't load. The only way around this we've found is to remove mpos altogether and reinstall and then we can re-authenticate the powerapp login and it starts to work again.
I've tried to find any official microsoft documentation on this, i've found a number of things around powerapps for d365 for ios or the powerapp ios app how to setup, but not for a windows 10 build using embedded in to mpos.
Can anyone confirm if this is still supported and if they may have had the same issue come up and what they found to be the solution ?
The default browser on the device is chrome, if we close pos and open the app directly in chrome it launches without any issues. the event logs don't really show anything related to this and unsure if this would log elsewhere if someone can possibly point me in the right direction ?
Thanks in advance,