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Email activity, when hitting send it doesn't actually send the email

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I am trying to do an email activity, and when I hit send, I see it show up in the timeline, but the actual user never gets the email, why is that?

Thank you.

  • gisiquei Profile Picture
    gisiquei on at
    RE: Email activity, when hitting send it doesn't actually send the email

    Hi USA80,

    In addition to Andrew's comments, please consider the infos:

    Set up server-side synchronization of email, appointments, contacts, and tasks (

    Connect to Exchange Online(

  • a33ik Profile Picture
    a33ik 84,325 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Email activity, when hitting send it doesn't actually send the email


    If my reply (or replies) answers your question take a minute and verify the answer. You can do it by clicking "Yes" at the top of the reply (or replies) under the label "Does this answer your question?"

  • Suggested answer
    USA80 Profile Picture
    USA80 on at
    RE: Email activity, when hitting send it doesn't actually send the email

    I needed to test and enable the mailbox of the user, that fixed the issue.

  • a33ik Profile Picture
    a33ik 84,325 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Email activity, when hitting send it doesn't actually send the email


    Do you have Server Side Sync configured in place?

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