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Purchase Quote Workflow

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How do you setup a BC purchase workflow that requires a manager to approve all approval requests and if over $20K an additional approver is required to approve. It appears to me that setting Approver limits just defers who approves when using an approver chain.

Further, if the approver varies depending on the budget ownership of the cost to be incurred, so can or cannot be the direct manager of the user, how can this be configured?

Currently approver is directly emailed.

  • RE: Purchase Quote Workflow

    Hi Stephen, I've included a link for a solution we have created, it may give you some insight into the art of the possible, if you have any further questions please feel free to contact us directly.


  • Suggested answer
    JAngle Profile Picture
    JAngle 48 on at
    RE: Purchase Quote Workflow

    You will need support from your Microsoft partner to achieve this. I’m not aware of an app which provides this level of approval functionality. It might be easier to achieve it outside of BC using a mix of dataverse or Sharepoint and the approvals in power automate. Once that part is done have power automate create a quote and approve it

  • stephenm171 Profile Picture
    stephenm171 23 on at
    RE: Purchase Quote Workflow

    Just to confirm - you setup a workflow per Dimension code "Cost Centre / Stream" (this cannot be done within a workflow?) with the Approver being a specific Approver ie. the manager of the "Cost Centre / Stream".

    With the $20K limit - i want the Cost Centre Manager to approver plus his Manager (set as unlimited) to approve as well.

  • stephenm171 Profile Picture
    stephenm171 23 on at
    RE: Purchase Quote Workflow

    Thanks Bilal. The question relates the scenario whereby the person X requests the purchase for items whereby the cost under the control/approval of Commercial Manager 1. The same person X then requests a purchase of items where the cost is under the control/approval of Commercial Manager 2. You want to direct the approval to the specific approval manager - there is not a direct relationship between the requester and approver - the approver is the one who controls the cost

  • Suggested answer
    JAngle Profile Picture
    JAngle 48 on at
    RE: Purchase Quote Workflow

    The first part: set one user as unlimited for purchase requests. Set all others who will approve to 20k. Set the 20k users to have the unlimited user as approver. Set all the “requester” users to have one of the 20k users as an approver. Set the workflow up so it uses First Qualified Approver

    Second part: if the dimension for cost centre (assumption) is set at header level and you are using cost centre as a global dimension you can have a workflow per cost centre. Dimensions are typically set at line level but this is more difficult to achieve filter wise. Developing line level approval is not a small task. Power automate has the potential to do it but I haven’t cracked it yet.

  • Suggested answer
    Bilal Haider Profile Picture
    Bilal Haider 131 on at
    RE: Purchase Quote Workflow


    If I have understood your first issue, you need an additional approver if the Purchase is more than 20k.

    You can create a hierarchy in Approver User Setup. User2 is approver of User1 and User 2 has Max Approver limit is 20k. Similarly User 3 is setup as approver of User 2 and has unlimited or more than 20k limit.  

    For the second issue I am not able to understand it.

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