I am trying to do a Modification that will display a modified Microsoft Dynamics GP picture (the blue one in the top half of the window) on the User Login and Company Login forms. We are a Dynamics user that shares a common SQL Server (Dynamics database) amongst several related companies. We deliver the app via Citrix. I've been looking for a way to modify the User Login and Company Login forms that does not use Dexterity (because of costs) or VBA (because of risk) to indicate which companies' client is being accessed. Each company has a specialized Dynamics GP client and some users have access to more than 1 company. We want to avoid Dynamics GP client version - Company database clashes.
I discovered that in Modifier, I can create a new Native Picture, copy the image from the "normal" Native Picture, change it and synchronize it with the "normal" picture. When I login or change companies, I get the modified picture. Yay!
The problem I'm having is that I don't seem to be able to delete the new Native Picture. The Delete button is always dim. The only way to get rid of the new Native Picture would be to delete FORMS.DIC and re-import all the other customizations. Is there anything I'm missing? Is there a better way to accomplish this concept that someone else has done?
Tim Foster
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I’m not sure why the system wouldn’t display the updated image, I should think it should work that way (but I didn't test it out). But if making your own and syncing with the original does the job then that sounds like a good solution. Interesting that it doesn’t work and there is this “sync” thing. Maybe native pictures are the exception to the typical modifier rule that replaced resources will show (strings, messages, etc) regardless of security settings.
As for changing the message 3222 – you don’t have to paint anything for that. Messages 3222 is the words “Version :”. Dynamics just appends the version number onto that and displays that in the field. You should be able to change the message to whatever you like keeping in mind that the string that it sits on holds max 47 characters. And also that even though it holds 47 characters, it might not be wide enough to display all the characters it contains.
Thanks for answering. You are one of the people (on a very short list) that I had hoped would answer.
I did try to paste an editted image over an original image. I could never get Dynamics to display the editted image, only the original image would show up. That is why I created my own image and sync'd with an original. I wonder what I was missing to make it work?
Your suggestion to edit message 3222 is great! I am not an artist - I "limp" in Gimp... I have no time (to paint) right now as we are heading quickly towards an upgrade from GP 10.0 SP2 to GP 2010 R2 on July 1.
Thanks again...
As for the SDT, I don't see what this would offer you in terms of this goal. The out of the box color coding is interesting enough I guess however as you note only applies "per company" but you aren't logged in yet.
GP Dev Support
I think modifying the existing image as you did is probably your best option. Assuming each client that is being connected has a different forms.dic (so each gets their own image), this will work great.
As for you not being able to delete the new native picture you added - hmmm. When I tested this I ran into the same thing.
However I see the way out.
Instead of making a new native picture and then using Syncronize as you did (I've never used that actually), just pull up the picture you wish to replace. Then paste your image over the top of that one and save.
Now you don't have a "new" native picture, you've just modified the existing one.
For what you have now, you should be able to unmark the synchronize then delete your picture (i could).
Then just modify the picture by overwriting it with your new one.
The other thing you could maybe do is change message 3222. This message is used where show the version in the Login window. So change it to whatever and the GP code will put the version on the end of that message.
That would work but it is very much "less obvious" than changing the picture as you are thinking here.
patrick roth
GP Dev Support
I have already downloaded and installed SDT. While the color coding solution is really interesting, it doesn't cue the user before they are logged in. I will look at SDT again and see if there might be something I can use.
I don't think it is necessary to develop a solution to achieve what you are trying to do. The support debugging tool has very similar features built into it. You have the ability to attach the user name and company or one or the other (I think), at the top of every window for a user's session.
With the SDT, you also have the ability to color code all the windows for a particular company. You could have separate colors setup for the different companies that are setup in GP.
These are just a few of the excellent features available with this tool. It is free, but you have to request it from your partner as it is not available on Customer Source.
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