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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

AP Posting Interruption

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Posted on by 8,515

We are on GP 2015 (14.00.0661 (RTM)).  Since upgrading from GP 2010 SP5, we have seen a new kind of posting interruption.  The user will match invoices and save the batch.  From the AP batch posting screen, the user will select the batch and hit the post button.  Posting will begin, and the progress window will indicate an increasing percentage of completion.  At some point the user will notice the percentage completion has "stalled."  The user calls me and I investigate.

  • The GP process monitor is "empty"
  • SQL Profiler indicates no SQL activity for the user
  • The workstation is showing zero CPU activity
  • There are no error messages

GP allows me to close the progress window!  I close GP.    I get the user to log back into GP.  The user receives the posting interruption message.  The batch is still marked for posting.  I have to "back end" (SQL) unmark the batch.  We then post the batch.  One invoice will have lines in both History and Work.  The GL is posted correctly.  We add the missing rows to the History table and delete the Work rows via SQL.  Messy, dangerous, and I am no smarter as to root cause.

Is anyone else experiencing this?  How did you resolve.



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  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: AP Posting Interruption

    I have not same but likely similar problem of batch interruption at the time of posting batch of Purchase transactions

  • MattPaulen Profile Picture
    MattPaulen 6,910 on at
    RE: AP Posting Interruption

    One of our network guys ran some tests, not sure exactly what he did but he was definitely seeing drops.  You could try having the user RDC for a week or so and see if that gets rid of the issue.  

    One thing I did prior to that to rule out any type of permission/user issue was I had the user come over to my workstation and connect to Citrix and GP with their login and post it a couple of times and there was never any issue.  Next day he went back to his desk and posted annnnnd posting interruption.  It was after that that I had our network guy run some tests on his machine.

  • Tim Foster Profile Picture
    Tim Foster 8,515 on at
    RE: AP Posting Interruption


    1) We do use Citrix.  The Citrix Server and the SQL Server are less than 10 feet apart on a 1GB backbone.  The Citrix server and the client are connected by fiber, so nearly the same network.  Your situation does seem similar.  How did you determine the poor connection?

    2) We have lots of third parties, but not Rockton GP Toolbox.  There are no third parties that would bother AP Invoice posting.

    Thanks for the quick response.


  • Verified answer
    MattPaulen Profile Picture
    MattPaulen 6,910 on at
    RE: AP Posting Interruption

    How is the user connecting to GP? Through their desktop or some type of remote application?  Does it seem to be the same set of user/users?  Do you have any 3rd parties?

    The reason I ask is a couple of months ago we were plagued with batch interruptions and I used to spend a good portion of my mornings fixing things.  There were two specific issues happening.

    1) We use Citrix to connect to GP and one of the users was posting a large batch each day and the majority of the time the batch would get stuck, in a similar situation as to what you describe.  It ended up being a bad network connection and since he's located out in a warehouse and would have been alot of work to correct it, I ended up just having him remote directly in to the Citrix server and access GP from there and ever since, no issues.

    2) We use Rockton's GP Toolbox.  There is an Inactivity Timeout piece to this and one of the settings that was used in it was prioritizing the timeout check over batch postings which would cause the batch to get hung up if the check happened mid processing.  Adjusting this resolved the issue.

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