So we have an on-prem test environment running. One instance is on BC365 v19. I enabled web services (SOAP, OData, etc.) and created some API calls against web services endpoints that came out of the box, as well as a few custom ones I added. All works fine.
We then added another instance that's on BC365 v19.5. I enabled web services the same way, and try to hit the same web service endpoints as in the other instance. These all fail. The API calls respond with HTTP 401 - Unauthorized status codes. I've looked at how things are configured side by side, and everything appears to be identical.
I'm making my API calls using standard REST requests. My BC365 instances work off Windows account authentication. And those user accounts are Super users in both instances. Here is a sample API call that works in the v19 instance, but not the v19.5 instance.
POST http://ls-test01:9048/LSCentral/ODataV4/DchApi_InsertCustomer?company=CRONUS - LS Central HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Negotiate YIIHowYGKwYBBQUCoIIHlzCCB5OgMDAuBgkqhkiC9xIBAgIGCSqGSIb3EgECAgYKKwYBBAGCN… (truncated since it’s extremely long) Host: ls-test01:9048 Content-Length: 490 Expect: 100-continue {"customerNo": "D20669","primarySiteCode": "Don","fullName": "Joe Schmoe","address1": "14 Anywhere Circle","address2": "","city": "Anywhere","state": "OH","postcode": "43000","country": "US","phoneNumber": "(555)5551212","mobileNumber": "","emailAddress": "","customerPostingGroup": "GENERAL","paymentTerms": "0/30 DAYS","genBusPostingGroup": "DOMESTIC","salesperson": "PO","note": "Imported customer.","company": "CRONUS - LS Central"}
Just wondering if something changed between versions in this regard?