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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

How can i used multi-currency distribution within line in Journal Voucher?

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

Dear All kindly answer me is this possible in Dynamics GP.

1-      Mutli-currency distribution within the same Journal Voucher. How are partners attending to foreign exchange position requirements?

2-      Recurring batch feature does not accommodate for mutli currency. How are partners attending to this requirement?

3-      Deferral posting feature does not accommodate for multi currency. How are partners attending to this requirement?

Thanks in Advanced

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  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: How can i used multi-currency distribution within line in Journal Voucher?

    I don't know about a development. My gut feeling is that a development around this could be frought with difficulties - you would be messing with the standard GP posting routines. Having said that its just GL - so the posting routines aren't that complex, you would need to watch out for Intercompany postings etc.

    If I was doing it (and with only a small bit of thought put into it) I would probably investigate giving the user a custom data entry window that allows the selection of currencies per line. Then once the data is entered, have this window create multiple standard GL journals - one for each distinct currency...and then post these standard GL Journals (a bit like using Integration Manager in a way).

    But you will run into difficulties with - what if there are three or more lines in a transaction - ie

    DR $100

    CR             $100

    DR £240

    CR             £140

    CR             £100

    And you will also run into difficulties with rounding - Take the three lined journal abve - this could give rise torounding issues.

    All in all, the more I think about it there is a very good reason why GP only allows a currency per journal.

    Before you put any more time into this, tell the user it can't be done with standard GP, and investigate if its a big issue for them.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: How can i used multi-currency distribution within line in Journal Voucher?

    Thanks Ian

    I have no Idea why user exactly need this functionality but he raised the question about.

    Well is there any custom way to handle this?

    Thanks once again.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: How can i used multi-currency distribution within line in Journal Voucher?

    Yes, understood.

    And you're right of course, you can't combine lines of different currencies. The FX Rate is set at a header level, so its not possible currently. Interesting one for the suggesion box though. I can't see any real obstacle to developing it  -  Is there any specific reason why the user would need this functionality?


  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: How can i used multi-currency distribution within line in Journal Voucher?

    Thanks Ian

    My client required Line wise multi currency transaction in one GL transaction.

    Such as

    Line one                                 Debit             $ 200    

                                                                                              Credit     $ 200

    Line 2                              Debit             £200

                                                                                             Credit     £200

    Is this possible to come only one Journal Voucher?

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: How can i used multi-currency distribution within line in Journal Voucher?


    Question 1.

    You can post a multicurrency General Journal - you just choose the Currency ID when you are creating the journal. The Journal will pick up a valid FX rate if there is one, and you can switch between displaying the Originating or Functional currency amounts.  Once posted, the journal can be viewed in either currensy as well.


    Question 2.

    This is true, MC Transactions cannot be posted as part of a recuring financial Batch. This is because you may not have FX rates set up into the future. So GP will not know what FX rate to use. There is no workaround, other than to enter and post the transaction multiple times.


    Question 3.

    Again, similar issue as to above.


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