I have created 2 reports.
1) Report 1 will display quote values which works fine and display on the current record.
2) I have created report 2 and reference this report in Report 1 sub report. Added parameter and it display the data when I preview the records.
I build and upload the Report 1 and sub report values are not displayed. Only parent report values displayed.
Report 1 Fetch XML
<fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false"> <entity name="quote" enableprefiltering="1"> <attribute name="name" /> <attribute name="customerid" /> <attribute name="totalamount" /> <attribute name="quoteid" /> <attribute name="createdon" /> <attribute name="totaltax_base" /> <attribute name="totaltax" /> <attribute name="new_quotetype" /> <attribute name="quotenumber" /> <attribute name="discountamount" /> <attribute name="discountpercentage" /> <attribute name="opportunityid" /> <attribute name="modifiedby" /> <attribute name="effectiveto" /> <attribute name="effectivefrom" /> <attribute name="description" /> <attribute name="createdby" /> <order attribute="name" descending="false" /> </entity> </fetch>
Report 2
<fetch distinct="false" mapping="logical" output-format="xml-platform" version="1.0"> <entity name="quotedetail"> <attribute name="productid"/> <attribute name="productdescription"/> <attribute name="priceperunit"/> <attribute name="quantity"/> <attribute name="extendedamount"/> <attribute name="quotedetailid"/> <order descending="false" attribute="productid"/> <link-entity name="quote" alias="aa" to="quoteid" from="quoteid"> <filter type="and"> <condition attribute="quoteid" value="@QID" operator="eq"/> </filter> </link-entity> </entity> </fetch>
What is the correct process to show quote details with quote products in custom report?
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